once upon a time on a cold dark night sitting somewhere in the garden city, a thoughtless rambler decided to save his words for posterity.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Vettaiyadu Vilaiyadu - movie review

[Other transliterations for this movie name could be "Vettaiyaadu Villaiyadu", "Vetayadu Vilayadu", "Vettaiyaadu Vilaiyaadu".]

I believe that the story of the movie is for the director to unveil during the course of the movie, and hence knowing the story, or part thereof, beforehand would strip you of the whole movie experience. Hence you wont find any details of the story, let alone any spoilers below.

I see Tamil movies only when it is made by a good director. This time around, it was Gautham Menon, whose Kakka Kakka had impressed me. As mentioned at the start of the movie, this movie is about "an episode in a police officer's life". However, this episode spans a couple of years, I guess.

Though at times the frequent cuts and zooms does distract you a bit, Gautham has been very successful in telling a story, where one can identify with the characters involved. Since you feel so much attachment to the characters, every scene and every dalogue builds up the tension during the latter part of the movie. This is one of the very few action movies where I really bited my nails - not much because of the action itself, but because of the good story telling. In fact, in my opinion, for a movie the story telling is primary. Everything else is secondary.

This movie is not for the feeble hearted. It contains lot of graphic violence and gory sequences. I guess this movie would have been rated with an "A" certificate. Even though there are a couple of holes in the plot, everything else outweighs that.

I was just meserised by the performance of Kamal Hassan. His emoting is so subtle that you never feel that it is Kamal Hassan, and you would never feel that he is "acting". To me, that is the quality of any good actor. On the other extreme is Prakash Raj, who only has a small role in the movie. In my opinion, he is one of the most overrated actors. His emoting goes to the extremes of overacting that by watching him on the screen, you know that he is acting, or trying to act. Everyone else is some where in between these two extremes.

Some of the songs are likeable. I particularly liked the frequenlty recurring background jingle, although it reminded of one of A R Rahman's songs.

Overall, this movie is a must-see for the action movie buffs and serious moviegoers as well, but the feeble-hearted please stay away.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Terrorists, guns, bombs and Monica Lewinsky

Terrorists, guns bombs and Monica Lewinsky

Klein, second from left, and Humphries, center, meet with Al Aqsa terrorists.

Well I found this article particularly interesting. It is a dialogue with Al Aqsa terrorist group, who are responsible for many of the suicibe bombings in Israel. If what is supposed to have been said in the Quran is true, then I would love to be a suicide bomber!!!

Defining a terrorist

"One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter"
"A terrorist is someone who cares more about ideas then people"


Which brings us to what is happening to Monica Lewinsky. After doing a brief stint in the Clinton administration, and making her contributions to the English language, (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=lewinsky), and briefly being spotted at Lava Lounge(http://www.poprocks.com/journal/monica.html), she has moved to UK, where she is in the London School of Economics doing her MSc in Social Psychology. If you ask me, I wouldnt blame Clinton. Just look at how she looked then

We all know why she is not in the hot list anymore. She has grown too old - she just turned 33 two weeks back, and has gained quite a bit of weight. Certainly misses the hot babe category by a huge window !!